
The other side of a tiny risk could be Massive Success

We each have our own limitations on the risks that we will take. There are multiple different types of risks; financial, business, emotional, creative, social, etc. We tend to live within our risk limitations sometimes without even consciously knowing what they are. Moreover, each person has their own unique risk limitations; I may not be willing to gamble with $100, but my friend may think it is perfectly within reason to limit their selves at $1000.  I may not be willing to strike up a conversation with a stranger, but my friend has no problem and it ends up the person he talked to published his book a few months later. I am not talking risks that we have grown comfortable in taking, but those just outside our comfort zone. So I ask if we begin to consciously take tiny risks, how many possibilities will emerge?

I am not suggesting that you throw away money or leap into a fire pit but when you feel that twinge in your brain saying it’s not my place to talk to that person about my project or that acting choice is out of my normal comfort zone, that may be the exact moment to take a tiny risk. If we begin to notice these moments regularly and make little pushes to our limitation walls, what may be possible that never was before?

I am currently seeking to surround myself with people who are taking risks, especially those who differ from me on the type of risks they will take. I think it is incredibly important for businesses to be made up of teams who have different risk limitations. And, as I always want to connect each of these blog topics to theater and artistry, I hope that creators, producers, performers can see the value in learning to recognize limitations and take tiny risks frequently. For on the other side, could be massive success.

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